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Color Wheel

CMY Color Wheel.png
What is color and how do we see it?
Color is a basic element of art that involves light. We see light when it hits an object projecting that color into our eyes while the other colors get absorbed.

What are the CYM Primary colors?
the CYM primary colors consist of blue, yellow, and red

What are the CYM Secondary colors?
the CYM secondary colors consist of orange, green, and purple

What are the CMY Tertiary colors?
the CYM Tertiary colors consist of chartreuse, teal, violet, magenta, vermillion, and amber

What did you learn about Photoshop?  
I learned the tool called "object selection tool" which pretty much isolates your object so you can cut out that object from the background

What do you want your audience to notice?
I want the audience to see the joke about Doge and the money background. The joke is dogecoin which will never be a high cryptocurrency.

Mandala Project

Mandala Color Harmonies (1).png
Mandala Color Harmonies (3).png
Mandala Color Harmonies (2).png
Screenshot (4).png
Screenshot (2).png
Screenshot (3).png
What did you learn about color harmonies?
I learned about all the different color harmonies and how many there actually are.

What color harmonies did you use in this project?
I used analogous, monochromatic harmonies, along with a custom color palette I got from extracting an image.

Which color harmony turned out the best?
The one I liked the most was the monochromatic harmony which was the first one.

What else would you like your audience to notice?
Perhaps notice color switches in the mandalas come there are more colors if you look closer

Color & Emotions

Hue & Saturation Adjustments.png
What were the original colors? Why did the artist choose those colors?
The original colors as you can see are more blue, yellow, and gray. The reason I believe why the original artist chose these colors is that they pop together.

What colors did you change and why?
I chose to replace the yellow with a dull violet that almost looks gray, and the blue with a light brown. I chose the dull violet because when I first saw this image it looked sad to me, and I picked the light brown mainly because it looked good with the dull violet.

How did changing the colors change the meaning of the photo?
Hopefully, when you look at it, it looks sad, because that's what I envisioned.

What else would you like your audience to notice?
It's important to notice the influence that colors portray and how it gives things a new meaning.
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