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Endangered species art board 1-01.jpg
endangered species art board 2-02.jpg

Elements of Art

Panda Info: panda are going extinct due to habitat loss, so I decided to create a story of a panda looking at a city and have them wondering, where is my home?
Line: there are lines all throughout this piece, such as lines in the bamboo or buildings.
Shape: I created various shapes such as the panda, the thought bubble, the ground, etc
Color: there are colors in the bamboo, tape, and backgrounds such as the sun and sky
Value: I used value in the panda to make it more appealing to the eye, other than it looking flat
Form: the buildings in the back have form since the sun (light source) is created shadows on the buildings
Texture: I implemented texture in everything, the city has a burry texture to make it seem further away, and the bamboo has a glossy/shiny texture and more
Space: I cut the bamboo to make the audience focus on the panda(space)
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