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Untitled-2 (2).jpg
What did you do? 
I created 5 "buildings" making them look isometric.

How did you do it?
I downloaded the background and used it to model the shapes of the buildings. 

What do you want your audience to notice?
There is a light source on the top right of the picture that makes the shading of the building necessary. 
Untitled-2 (9)-01.jpg

Isometric Project

What did you do?
first I sketched all the platforms, mountains, and objects using the pen tool, from there I used the brush and filled in everything and then outlined the objects with a slightly darker color.

How did you do it?
with the pen and brush tool, and of course the iso grid.

What do you want your audience to know?
The weird structures that are in the desert and middle platform are portals, the desert is supposed to be our world like Area 51, and the other side of the portal is some type of fantasy land.
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