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Define Texture
Texture is the feelings objects give off, such as rigid or soft.
What did you do for this assignment?
I used words that describe a texture then put that texture in the word, then I made shapes and put textures in the shapes.
How did you do it?
I used the clipping mask
What do you want your audience to know? 
All the words I used are things that can be found specifically in a desert.
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What is a Soundsuit?
A sound suit is a mixture of fashion and art meant to represent one's emotions about some topic.
What is the theme of your Soundsuit?
My theme is air pollution.
What does it represent? 
It is supposed to represent different objects that constantly emit dangerous gasses into our atmosphere.
Why did you choose this theme?
I know people that have breathing problems and sometimes they can't be outside without struggling to breathe, and also global warming.
Describe the textures used in your sound suit.
I used a giant powerplant as the body because it is emitting the most gases which I used as the face, then I used other objects like trains, cars, buses, and vans, things that all pollute our air.
What else would you like your audience to know?
Every single piece is different (minus the pipes) I used different cars, buses, trains, and vans, and even the cargo pieces for the train are different, so I did a lot of clip masking.
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